本学部の鈴村裕輔准教授のご論文が掲載されている War and Communism: The Violent Consequences of Ideological Warfare in the 20th Century (Tobias Hirschmüller and Frank Jacob eds) が、このたびBRILL | SCH?NINGH より出版されました。BRILL | SCH?NINGH は、現代史、学術神学、哲学、言語学、教育学の分野に重点を置く世界的に有名なドイツの出版社です。
本書は20世紀における共産主義と戦争の関係を検討するもので、鈴村准教授は、"Once They Were Heroes: The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Communist Party in the Wake of the Second World War"と題して1945年8月から1952年までの日本共産党の消長を占領軍の対日政策や国際情勢の変化から検討しています。以下目次です。
Section I Communism and War
Chapter 2 A Revolutionary Theory of Peace (Vladimir Dobrenko)
Chapter 3 Edwin Hoernle: Communist Education and Revolutionary Antimilitarism (Sebastian Engelmann)
Section II Communism at War
Chapter 4 Fighting for Bolsheviks … Against the Communists: The Goals, Motivations and Political (Dis)Orientation of Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army Soldiers during the Russian Civil War (1917–1922) (Rafa? Mieczkowski)
Chapter 5 Communist War Against Religion and the Rise of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, 1917–1939 (Marianna Napolitano)
Chapter 6 The Birth of the Gulag? A Global Contextualization of the Cheka’s Concentration Camp Practices during the Russian Civil War (Guillaume Minea-Pic)
Chapter 7 “Political Power Grows Out of the Barrel of a Gun”: Communist Policies on Mobilizing Armed Masses in Wartime China (Lei Duan)
Chapter 8 Communism and its Implications in the Governance of Xinjiang (Emily Upson)
Section III Communism after War
Chapter 9 “Do it like Chapaev!” A Superstar Soviet Movie Character as a Template for the “New” Republican Soldier during the Spanish Civil War (Edouard Sill)
Chapter 10 Postcolonial Socialism in the Arab World: The Algerian Example (Viktoria Luise Gr?be)
Section IV War against Communism
Chapter 11 The SS and the Ideological War Against Judeo-Bolshevism: The Case Study of Das Schwarze Korps, 1935–1945 (Frank Jacob)
Chapter 12 The Beginning of the Conquest of “Lebensraum” as a “Day of Liberation” from Bolshevism: 22 June 1941 and its National Socialist Commemoration and Remembrance (Tobias Hirschmüller)
Chapter 13 Once They Were Heroes: The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Communist Party in the Wake of the Second World War (Yusuke Suzumura)
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